Welcome to Ocean ResourceNet

We provide a wide range of information about support, resources, and services for families in Ocean County, New Jersey.

How can ResourceNet help you?

Families can find specific recreational activities, health providers, support groups, and events in your area. If you are a resident of Ocean County, NJ, please subscribe to our Monthly Events and News.
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Health Providers and Community Organizations are able to list their community and health resources, hotlines, support groups, and events. Do you provide services in Ocean County?

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Ocean Partnership for Children
Ocean ResourceNet is sponsored by Ocean Partnership for Children.

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Community Events and Programs

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Professional Development

Making Groups Work

Join us for this training led by Ashlee Maruca, LPC that's designed to help clinicians revitalize their therapy groups with innovative interventions and activities that enhance participation and group cohesion.

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Latest News

Ocean County Youth Services Revamped To Serve Diverse Needs

Ocean County Youth Services has undergone a major transformation, moving away from programs focused on juvenile supervision to one offering a wide range of services for at-risk and disadvantaged youth. The shift will result in helping approximately 5,500 young people in just this year.

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