Professional Development Events & Workshops

If you have a professional development workshop or conference that you would like to share, please submit it online Registration / login is required.

Helping Parents Talk with Their Child About Difficult Events

A virtual CE workshop for mental health professionals to learn how to support parents of children ages 3-8 in having open and honest conversations with their children about challenging events and topics like divorce and death.

Teaching and Learning Symposium on Social Justice in Higher Education

Join and collaborate with over 150 colleges and social agencies to transform and drive positive change! Virtual symposium hosted by Hudson Community College. For more information, contact: Paula Roberson at 201-360-4775 or 

Connections Matter 2025 Facilitator Training

Register by 2/21
Connections Matter is a healing-centered curriculum that teaches adults how to use the power of connections to help develop healthy brains and supportive relationships, prevent and heal from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), understand the power of Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs), and strengthen communities.

Free Virtual MOUD Training

This course will focus on how to screen and identify patients for Opioid Use Disorder, define evidence-based treatments, discuss the process of buprenorphine induction, and more.

Mckinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Training

Please join our training, "McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act." Presented by Ocean County CIACC Education Partnership. This training is both in-person and virtual. Register here:

Become CAMS Trained

Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is an evidence-based suicide treatment protocol for youth that has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing suicidal ideation and increasing hope. Training date: 3/19 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Register here:

New Jersey's Statewide Perinatal Addictions Virtual Forum

Attendees will gain access to a wealth of resources to support pregnant individuals in overcoming substance use challenges and promoting healthy outcomes for families.

NJAMHAA's Spring Conference

The conference provides learning experiences for staff at all levels and includes great opportunities to build relationships and grow your business.

New Jersey's Statewide Perinatal Addictions Virtual Forum

Attendees will gain access to a wealth of resources to support pregnant individuals in overcoming substance use challenges and promoting healthy outcomes for families.

Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) Level II Training

Level II consists of 22 60-minute small group supervision sessions every other week for one year and a 3-day Advanced Workshop. Must have completed Level 1 (two-part Introductory ABFT Workshops) to participate.

Ongoing Opportunities

Center of Excellence LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity

This Center of Excellence hosts webinars for health practitioners focused on the best and latest practices to decrease behavioral health disparities impacting LGBTQ+ children, youth, young adults, adults, and older adults. CEUs and CMEs are available for both foundational and advanced topics.

Trauma-informed Yoga Teacher Training

Sakala School of Integrative Teaching is dedicated to providing healthcare and education professionals with evidence-informed integrated training approaches that promote health, growth, and well-being.

Stockton University: Continuing Studies: Educating People For Life

The Office of Continuing Studies at Stockton University is dedicated to enriching the lives of lifelong learners through courses, webinars, workshops and other innovative learning solutions focusing on personal enrichment, professional development and workforce training.

Advance Your Career With Applied Behavior Analysis

Drexel University’s Master’s and Graduate Certificate programs in Applied Behavior Analysis prepare you to better meet the needs of the growing population of persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders. 

These evidence-based programs are designed for working professionals, including special education teachers, school psychologists, and social workers. 

Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program

Enroll now in the Rutgers Juvenile Justice and Youth Development Certificate Program Fall/Winter Session. The program consists of 60 hours of live, instructor-led online learning. You can log on and attend class from anywhere while learning from leading faculty and experts in the fields of juvenile justice and youth development.