Community Resource

Berkeley SEPAG

(732) 269-0648

Special Education Parent Advisory Groups are required for all school district in New Jersey. The purpose of these groups is to provide opportunities for parents and community members to offer input to their districts on critical issues relating to students with disabilities.

New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:14-1.2(h) states that:
Each board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to thee district on issues concerning students with disabilities.

Understand the purpose
- To provide direct input on the policies, programs, and practices that impact services and supports for children with disabilities and their families.
- To increase the involvement of families of children with special needs in making recommendations on special education.
- To advise on matters that pertain to the education, heath and safety of children with special needs.
- To advise on unmet needs of children with disabilities.

Keeping the focus on input
- Keep a policy focus: make sure the SEPAG keeps its focus on providing input on special education policy issues.
- A SEPAG is not a "support group" or a place for a "gripe session".
- Avoid getting bogged down in busy work; such as doing carnivals, information fairs, fund raising, and organizing speakers.
- There may be Botha a parent advisory group and a support group in the district.

Eligibility Bayville/Berkeley Twp residents whose children attend the Berkeley Twp School District and have special education needs.
Community Services
Health Services
Intellectual and Developmental Needs

Last Updated: 04/26/24